SR Club news re latest Covid-19 Level 5 government restrictions.

SR Club news re latest Covid-19 Level 5 government restrictions, Looking ahead to 2021, and Clubforce payments. As you are aware, Level 5 Covid-19 restrictions were re-imposed last week and unfortunately all football activities, including training, have been temporarily put on hold. Thankfully we had managed with the dedication of our managers and coaches to maintain training sessions continuously since Aug 2020. Only a very small no. of sessions were cancelled due to bad weather, or a coach’s unavailability. The football leagues have indicated that they hope to complete this year’s competitions, regardless of the length and no. of Covid related stoppages, playing through the summer if necessary. The Club also hopes to complete all training sessions for groups not playing formal games.The Club acknowledges recent queries in relation to fees, particularly Clubforce payments and the temporary football stoppage. Financially our fees and costs cover the whole season, Aug 2020 to year ending July 2021. Members who opted for the monthly instalment option are paying the annual fee equally divided over 4 months. The monthly instalment does not reflect the amount of training per month, but a portion of the annual membership. This year the club reduced fees to reflect the reduced season 2019-2020. By now most members have fully paid (by either means) depending on when they subscribed. (The fees are regularly compared to clubs in the Cork area and we are always are in the lower three).We appreciate some parents may still see payments being deducted having started instalments later in the season. We ask that this would still be honoured through the ClubForce payment system. The Committee are closely monitoring the Covid situation and at the end of the season will decide, as we did last year, on what reduction in fees (if any) may be appropriate and fair, for all parents depending on how the season developed. However, we can only do this having had all fees paid initially as it would be near impossible to calculate pro rata if some payments had ceased with varying amounts paid and unfair to those who have fully paid up. It is worth noting Covid19 has undoubtedly affected the Club’s ability to generate other valued income necessary from shop sales, sponsorship, camps etc., and therefore fees are vital for the club’s financial stability. Most of our overheads remain the same regardless of whether we can play or not.Finally, just for information, the Club has a policy (through poor experience) of not engaging with persons directly through public social media. If anyone has any queries or questions, particularly in relation to Clubforce payments etc., please feel free to feed these directly through your players team manager / coach or any member of the committee, where they will be addressed. Thank you for your support and patience. Stay Safe and we wish you a Happy New Year. SR Committee.

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